Participatory Initiatives

Rainbow Sathi

Published quarterly, Rainbow Sathi amplifies the voices and experiences of Rainbow children, with the magazine serving as a platform for these young individuals to share their journeys, aspirations, and contributions. Written by the children themselves, the heartfelt articles and inspiring stories showcase their achievements and dreams, capturing the essence of their experiences. Through the lens of child journalists and citizen journalists, Rainbow Sathi vividly portrays the diverse perspectives and talents of these children, embodying the spirit of empowerment and inclusivity that lies at the heart of the Rainbow Homes Program.

Child Participatory Review and Reflection (CPRR)

Embedded within Rainbow Homes’ Residential Care program, the Child Participatory Review and Reflection (CPRR) initiative empowers children to assess the quality of the program from their perspective. Encouraging open dialogue and collaboration, CPRR fosters leadership among children, who actively participate in the process. The process uses 16 indicators, developed by the children themselves to assess, review, and improve the programs. Through CPRR, children provide recommendations for improvements, driving continuous enhancement and promoting ownership and accountability within the program.


Balasabhas, regular gatherings within each Rainbow Home and Sneh Ghar, provide children with a structured platform for decision-making and voicing concerns, fostering ongoing participation, empowerment, and engagement with the care ecosystem.

Social Audits

RHP undergoes social audits, a participatory process where experts in childcare, child rights, legal, health, and other relevant sectors assess its efficiency, effectiveness, and relevance. It also monitors, tracks, analyzes, and evaluates its performance, ensuring accountability among implementers for their actions and decisions.

People's Collective for Protection of Children (PCPC)

PCPC embodies Rainbow Homes Program’s commitment to social responsibility and empowerment, serving as an inclusive and dynamic platform for public participation. It stands with child victims and survivors, addressing multifaceted challenges faced by vulnerable children, drawing upon the collective wisdom of grassroots organizations, childcare experts, and communities. As a vibrant resource group, PCPC fosters positive change at local and national levels, functioning as a forum where innovative ideas are developed and solutions are forged.