Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive Care

Rainbow Homes provides comprehensive residential care to marginalized children, ensuring they have access to their fundamental rights such as education, nutrition, health, recreation, emotional well-being, and life skills development. The approach is rooted in participatory practices with open hearts and open gates.

Community-Based Care (CBC)

This initiative supports vulnerable children living with their families who lack access to vital resources like education, healthcare, and emotional well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures that these children receive food, health, education, and emotional well-being while living in a democratic and harmonious family environment. Families become role models within their communities, transitioning from homelessness to pillars of support, with parents as major stakeholders in partnership with local communities and government schools. This initiative caters to children who have returned to their families from Rainbow Homes, as well as new children, to scale and spread the care to more children in need.


The Rainbow Homes’ Futures program prepares adolescents for the transition to independent living through comprehensive capacity-building programs. Catering to adolescents aged 15 to 18, the program equips them with essential life skills and knowledge to navigate adulthood smoothly. Additionally, for young adults above 18, emphasis is placed on completing education and securing stable employment, fostering self-reliance and dignity. With forums covering various facets of adult life and workshops like Udaan, the program ensures youth are well-prepared for life after Rainbow Homes. By protecting them from vulnerable situations and nurturing their growth as upstanding citizens, the program instills values of independence and civic responsibility. Moreover, alumni of the program often extend support to other youth in need, creating a cycle of empowerment and support within the community.